Anti-Oxidant, Beauty Rasayana, Blood Sugar, Free Radical Damage, General Heath, Holistic Health, Immunity, Improving Strength, Malaise, Men’s Health, Overall Well-Being, Restoration And Energizer.
Maharishi Amrit Kalash:
Increases longevity, memory and intelligence.
Enhances immunity, elevates energy levels.
Decreases the effects of aging and enhances overall well-being.
It has 1000 times more anti-oxidant power than Vitamin C or E.
Improves three types of mental function: acquisition, retention, and recall.
Improves the function of mind, nervous system, respiration, circulation and elimination.
Boosts productivity and improves creativity and also reduces fatigue and combats stress.
Improves the junction points or gaps in the step-by-step transformation of the 7 tissues?plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid.
The herbal supplement, Amrit Kalash, was developed thousands of years ago by the great Ayurvedic sages as the one formula for total health. Instead of treating symptoms of disease, Ayurvedic wisdom offered Amrit Kalash as a natural, holistic approach to help root out the underlying cause of disease.
It is a well known product and has many different names like: MAPI, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi Vedic Education, Maharishi Ayurveda, Maharishi Gandharva-Veda, TM, Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Amrit Kalash or Amrit. Maharishi Ayurveda
Maharishi Amrit Kalash Dual Pack- SugarFree?improves the following:
The three types of mental function: acquisition, retention, and recall.
Metabolic transformations, digestion, the emotions and their effect on heart function.
The mind, nervous system, respiration, circulation and elimination.
Moisture balance, physical structure and strength.
The junction points or gaps in the step-by-step transformation of the 7 tissues?plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid.
The microcirculatory channels that transport nutrients and energy and can be blocked by improperly digested impurities.
The finest product of digestion and the master coordinator between consciousness, matter and immunity.
The vitality and strength of the mind and body.