Ascorbic Acid, D-Panthenol, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamine Hydrochloride
Used for
Its used for Acne, Heart disease, Allergies, Gray hair and baldness, Diarrhea, Metabolic disorders
Side effects
Liver toxicity, Sore throat, Dry hair, Blockade of portal blood vessels due to fibrosis, Urge to vomit, Heartburn
How to use
Use under medical supervision.
How it works
Its works by lowering blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by inhibiting the synthesis of very low density lipoproteins modifying the electrical activity thus relaxing and slowing overactive heart muscles both providing ascorbic acid and reversibly oxidizing to dehydroascorbic acid in the body reducing prostaglandin thus helping blood thinning and prevents clotting penetrating into the skin treating low levels of vitamin B1